Saturday, June 2, 2012

R.I.P. Essie

Our 4 year old turkey hen, Esmerelda (Essie) died last Monday from wounds inflicted by a racoon in the middle of the night th e previous Friday.We buried her in one of our wildflower patches; Ryan found an old horseshoe while he was digging. We hung it on a stake as a marker. Here on the farm we are of course a bit saddened. Essie was one of the first turkeys we raised. Thomas and her were from the 4 we bought the spring before our wedding. So we have a significantly greater attachment to them then to the ones that we raise each year for meat.

Essie was desparate to become a mother. She laid countless eggs, and built countless nests. But never hatched any baby turkeys. She did hatch some baby chicks her 1st egg-laying year; after she broke all her own eggs, we gave her some chicken eggs because she was so determinedly broody. Those chicks were the only eggs we have hatched so far (hopefully this streak is broken by the chicken eggs in the incubator right now!).

I know it's hard to imagine that a turkeys have personalities, but they do. Essie was a determined little turkey. During her life she suffered numerous injuries, most of them from defending her nest against predators, or from Thomas being a little too agressive with his courting. She always perservered and bounced back; except these last injuries were too much.

Even though we had to separate her from the other birds at the end, so they wouldn't bother her, Thomas stayed right by her on the other side of the fence. Essie was his main hen, even with having Ginny around. Essie was the one that would help Thomas preen, and just generally more likely to hang out with him. It's hard to tell if he misses her or not, but I would imagine that he at least notices that his flock is one hen short.

All that's left of her struggle are piles of her downy underfeathers in the corner where the coon cornered her. I keep hoping it will get windy and blow them away.

We picked up some turkey poults last week, and one seems quite a bit smaller, which is probably a good indication that it is a hen. We're hoping so. She can be Essie's replacement, already christened "Jojo" by our 3 year old niece.

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