Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Here Chicky, Chicky

I was not really intending that this be a photo of the chickens running towards the camera. I was hoping to get this idyllic picture of all our birds busily foraging around the 2 relaxing calves. Obviously this was not to be. Which might be my fault. Since the last time I approached the fence was to drop in some leftovers for them. For chickens they have good memories, or are pretty well conditioned that person standing at the fence means treats for them. I wasn't even calling "Here chicky, chicky" like I do when I have something for them.  And I couldn't even get a second picture of the calves laying down because they got all excited and thought there might be some stale tortilla shells in it for them (their favorite!). Oh, how disappointed they all were when they figured out that I just had this dumb camera in my hand.

We finally have a patch of noticeable green outside the house. An area of bulbs that the frost heaved close to the surface are sending up little green shoots. Woo hoo! 12 days and counting!

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