Tuesday, April 5, 2011

It's in the air . . .

Mother Nature, you better not be tricking me today. Even though it's only supposed to be in the 40s today, it definitely feels like a spring morning out. And it is April . . .

All the signs are here, the green of baby grass spreading over the surface of the yard. Rhubarb popping up from its hidey-hole in the ground:

Rogue strawberry runners starting to green up (outside the confines of the strawberry patch):

Our "wildflower" garden starting to show signs of the poppies, irises, phlox, and lilies to come:

I'm not the only one out enjoying things this morning . . .

And while my picture taking skills may not allow you to see, this is a blue bird in one of our hackberry trees:

And inside, if nothing else, the amaryllis is getting ready to bloom!

1 comment:

  1. I love your pictures and your posts. I saw your blog on facebook and though I would give it a look-see since I am a new blogger. I really like what you do.

    - it has been so nice to be in bible study with you.
