Saturday, January 21, 2012

Winter Wonderland

It snowed!

And for a couple of days at least, we're blanketed in white. It is lovely. As it was falling while we were out doing chores last evening, it was like cold, fine sand. It made an eerie rushing sound as it blew against the dried, dormant late blooming clematis . . .

Overnight the wind blew even more, and settled the snow in to drifts here and there. Which meant that Ryan got to use the snowblower to move this snow:

And now the driveway is cleared, and there are nice paths out to the barnyard and the chicken house. And the mail person didn't have to worry about getting stuck delivering mail to our house. Yay for a husband that likes to use the snowblower. It helps that it was a Saturday morning, and there was nowhere to go and the sun was shining.

A view out the upstairs window looked like this . . .

And tonight there was that lovely golden quality to the sun on the snow. I kept seeing it while we were doing chores, but it went away before I got a chance to get my camera. And also a picture I didn't get taken today, the wind marks on the snow, which looks like the little tiny waves on the edge of a lake, frozen in place.  Beautiful and wonderous!

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