Friday, December 17, 2010

If you feed them . . . part 2

As you can see, outdoor conditions have not changed much. Still snowy. Still 10 degrees below normal December temperatures. It has been winter now for a lot longer than the calendar would indicate.

If you feed them . . . they will stay. So the new outdoor kitten is still here. She was curled up with Henry on the old blanket in the hay shed when I went out to do chores this morning. I think the kitten thinks Henry is her mom, and so will do anything he does.

I have never seen this with cats before, but if Henry wasn't around, she would have nothing to do with us. As soon as Henry was there with her, and she saw Henry being petted and purring, she started purring and wanting to be petted. Same thing this morning. She tried to run away when I first went into the shed, but as soon as she saw Henry being petted while he was eating, she came over and pushed Henry out of the way to eat and be petted. So cute and hilarious! So I picked her up and petted her, and she was purring. Hopefully it will be easy to tame her, with such a good kitty mentor hanging around!

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