Tuesday, February 1, 2011

It's Coming!!!!

My amateur picture taking skills do nothing to truly illustrate the number of fluffy, lovely little robin red-breasts hanging out in our trees, preparing for the coming storm. Bracing themselves against the mean, cold East wind, and eating as many hackberries as they can as fast as they can. Needing all the energy they can muster to handle this weather. The ground underneath the trees is completely littered with hackberry stems and seeds, as well as lots of robin poop.

As for the rest of us on the farm . . . we're pretty much doing the same. The cows and cats trying to hide out of the way of the East wind blowing in their doorways . . . East winds are so uncommom, we were more worried about West winds when setting up our buildings. So they are not as protected as we would want. The birds suffering cabin fever; we covered their door to the outside to try conserve what heat builds up in their little building. Inside, we're noticing that the East side of the house is evidentally not as well insulated as the West . . . we are noticing the cold a lot more.

And Checkers . . . where art thou little dog? . . . oh wait that pile of 3 blankets on the couch with a little bump in it. That's the dog. I am a cruel, cruel person to wake her up to go outside to go pee. Until she learns to use the toliet or a litter box . . . outside she goes. Along with whichever human she drags with her.

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