Friday, February 25, 2011

Snow . . . Again

Waking up to snow again . . . winter shows no sign of letting up anytime soon. But you know, it could be a lot worse, it could be an inch of ice with downed power lines and freezing temps, or 60 mph winds and tornados. So really a few inches of snow, I'll take, even if its again, and again, and again.

Ha! Ha! I do not really have a snow drift most of the way up my window. The wind just stuck a couple of inches of it along the bottom of the sill, and if you take a picture up close . . . it kinda makes an optical illusion. It really looks like this (pretty average for this winter):

And like this, out the other way:

And while I was looking out the upstairs window, I turned around and took a picture of what's under the grow lights right now. Onion starts, soon to be followed by tomatoes and peppers here in a few weeks.

Even if the view out the window doesn't give us any reason to, we're still dreaming about spring here on the farm. And so are the critters. The calves can't wait for their first bite of green grass. The birds for their first spring bugs to search out and pick up. And I think Runt the pig would love a nice warm day to spend sometime outside in his pen, and find out what warm spring mud is all about. Checkers is just looking for a day when she can sun bathe without a blanket, and not have to worry about dragging her belly in snow or wet when taking a bathroom break.

What are you looking forward to this spring?

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